Land and Facilities
The Abbeville Harbor & Terminal District (AH&TD) covers approximately 733 square miles of area surrounding the Vermilion River, Freshwater Bayou and The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. The district encompasses Wards 3, 7, and a portion of Ward 2 in Vermilion Parish.
The economy of the area has historically been driven by energy exploration, marine transportation, fishing, marine construction and agriculture. Much of the district comprises farmland, where rice and sugar cane are grown. Several settlements are included in the district area: the town of Abbeville, Perry, Intracoastal City, Freshwater City, and Pecan Island.
There are four major developments undertaken by the AH&TD since its inception:

The Port of Vermilion

Freshwater Bayou Locks Bypass Channel

Intracoastal City Boat Launch